Blue Denim & Lace


A collection of thoughts on life and ministry from Dr. Jack Hyles.




“In order to have proper gratitude, one must meditate upon the things that God and others have done for him. If improvement comes in our lives, it comes only after soul-searching meditation which leads us to realize our weaknesses, imperfections, frailties, and need of improvement.”

“Hence, it is wise for a person to set a time and a place for meditation. This has been my policy through the years. In the following chapters you will find some of these meditations. Some have been during the night watches; some have been while flying 30,000 feet in the air, but all have come through meditation. May God bless you as we together …think on these things.”

Additional information

Weight 0.875 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in